The status board is a feature in RAYVN which allows users to share current status values with stakeholders and make the current statuses visible at all times for everyone who uses the logs within that room. 

To pin a status value to the board, all you have to do is: 

  1. Go to the "Active Log" you have opened in RAYVN. 
  2. Click on the "Current Status" field, and enter the status, and the value of the status you want to pin.
  3. Once you have entered the value of the status you want to pin, click the three small dots next to the value of the status field. Select "Pin to board". 
  4. When you pin something to the status board in your log, it will also be visible to your stakeholders. Be sure you want your stakeholders to see the information you are posting to the status board. RAYVN will ask you if you are sure you want to pin the value to the board.
  5. Once you have pinned the status value to the board, it should look like this:
    Here you can see who has pinned the value to the board, and when it was posted. You can always update the value as needed by clicking the three dots next to the value, and clicking "Update value".

Requesting a current status update

If you have been added as a stakeholder, you can ask for a status update, and pin status values to the status board. 

You can request a status update from the log you have been added to, by going to the "Current status" field in the log, entering the name of the status you want to request, and clicking the three dots next to the value field. 

Here you will find the "Request status update" option. When you click that, the entire status field you have requested will turn yellow, and the team you sent the request to will receive a notification that you have requested a status update.

They can then input the value of the status request, and submit it. After you have requested a status update, you cannot change the value of that status field.

You can then choose to pin that status value to the top board, by following the same steps as listed above. 

You cannot pin status values to the board that you haven't submitted, and others cannot pin status values you have submitted. 

As a stakeholder, you can also enter your own status updates and pin those to the board.