Many organizations have both internal and external networks that could benefit from the use of the collaboration feature. 

In this article, you will learn how to add a group in RAYVN as a stakeholder. 

Internal stakeholders are only available for mobilizing 1 level up and 1 level down in the group hierarchy.

Read more about adding external stakeholders here.

Enable group as a stakeholder

Groups are not automatically set as stakeholders in RAYVN. 

To enable this feature, go to "Account settings".

 Click on the group name and select "Edit group".

Here you can see a switch where you can choose to enable a group as a stakeholder. 

When you click on this switch, a new section will appear.

You must assign a "Responsible team" to enable the group as a stakeholder. 

The responsible team is the team that will be notified when the stakeholder is mobilized in a log. 

If you remove a responsible team from the stakeholder, you remove the entire group as an internal stakeholder. 

When you go to Account settings >Stakeholders, you will see a list of internal and external stakeholders. 

Under the field "Stakeholders," you can see a list of internal and external stakeholders and info and notes connected to each stakeholder. 

To view info and notes for each stakeholder, click on the stakeholder's name. 

The old fields "Name" and "Contact" under each stakeholder have been replaced with an area called "Notes." Here you can write down important names, phone numbers, and other important information related to the stakeholder.

Mobilize stakeholders in a log

Internal and external stakeholders are added to a log in different ways. In the user interface, they are separated as "External" and "Internal", but they are treated equally when they are mobilized in a log. 

This is how it looks before any stakeholders have been added to a log: 

To add a stakeholder to your log, click "Mobilize stakeholders". 

As you can see, you can also add info about stakeholders and the ongoing incident. 

You will then see a window that looks like this appear. Here you can choose to select either internal or external stakeholders to your log. If you do not have any internal stakeholders, this alternative will not appear, and vice versa. 

When you have selected your chosen stakeholders and clicked "Mobilize stakeholders" you will see a warning that tells you that the stakeholders will be notified when you proceed. 

You cannot remove a stakeholder once they have been added to a log. They can choose to decline your invitation, and they can leave the log by closing it, but they cannot be removed from a log from your side. 

Here you can see an example of the different statuses stakeholders can have:

  • Not connected: if a stakeholder is marked in red with the text "Not connected", it means that they don't have a valid collaboration agreement with your company in RAYVN. 
  • Pending response: A collaboration request has been sent out, but the stakeholder has not yet responded to the invitation.
  • Not participating: the stakeholder has declined the collaboration request. You can click "Remobilize" to send the invitation to them again. 
  • Participating: the stakeholder has accepted the invitation to participate in your log.
  • Withdrawn: the stakeholder has accepted the invitation to participate in your log but has closed the log. You can click "Remobilize" to invite them back into the log.

You can add or modify notes attached to each stakeholder.  

Groups as stakeholders in the app

You cannot create external or internal stakeholders in the app, but you can operate them the same way as in the web version of RAYVN. 

Click on "Stakeholders" in the log menu to view the status for stakeholders and mobilize more stakeholders.